Therapeutic Shoeing
Be Quick Horseshoeing provides Therapeutic shoes for lame horses. Be Quick Farriers use the art of therapeutic and corrective shoeing to help many lame horses live new pain-free lives, and some can even resume working. Depending on the situation, there are many types of shoes we recommend to help your horse - here are a few:
- Heart-Bar Shoes. These shoes circle the entire hoof and also line up with the frog to provide added support. Traditionally used with lame or foundered horses, heart-bars can help the frog to provide weight-bearing support.
- Egg Bar Shoes. These oval shoes provide extra support to your horse's feet, especially in the heel area. Useful for navicular disease and under run heels, but not as common as heart-bars.
- Natural Balance Shoes. Although made of a somewhat softer aluminum alloy, Natural Balance shoes are a lightweight choice that mimic your horse's natural foundation. Allowing for a more natural break over and better sole support, these can be a great choice for any horse, including those that are lame.
- Hoof Pads. They are generally considered useful in certain situations. Particularly with lame or foundered horses, a properly set pad can provide the frog support needed to make the horse more comfortable.
Give Be Quick Horseshoeing a call for more questions regarding therapeutic shoeing or schedule your shoeing consultation today! (970)568-3113