Hot Shoeing

Hot shoeing is the application of heat to the shoe then pressing the hot shoe onto the hoof wall of the horse. Hot shoeing involves heating the shoe until it is very hot, then molding it and pounding it on an anvil until it's shaped like the hoof. Nail holes are made in the shoe themselves, and then cooling the shoe in water or on the ground before it is put on the hoof.
A usual question about hot shoeing is "Does that hurt the horse?" Hot shoeing does not hurt the horse under normal circumstances.
There are occasions where it the hoof has been trimmed quite short then the hot shoe is applied the heat transfers into the sensitive tissue of the foot and the horse can feel the heat. Sometimes the horse will not want to put his foot down as it's too hot, however this is a very temporary condition.
Give Be Quick Horseshoeing a call at (970)568-3113 for any questions regarding hot shoeing or to schedule your shoeing consultation today!