To Shoe or not to Shoe
That is the Question.....
Written by Pat Hall
The term no foot no horse is widely used in the farrier industry. Each horse is different and has different needs. Some owners prefer to maintain the horse's hooves barefoot, some use Natural Balance techniques and some use a variety of techniques traditionally offered by farriers to maintain their horse's hooves. The debates seem endless. As do the products available in the farrier industry. The right choice may be confusing. Be Quick is available to help you find the style which best fits your needs. We welcome your questions and hope to be a resource as well as service provider. Following is some basic definitions to review.
The Barefoot technique has been gaining popularity in the last decade. Hoof care without the use of shoes affixed to the hoof through the use of adhesives, nails or screws. The idea is to use what nature gave the horse to achieve the owners' goals. This could be anything from pleasure riding to competitive events. In cases where rough terrain, acute soreness or transition periods require more protection; a temporary boot can be used for a ride or short term lameness. Many of our clients do well without shoeing.
The Natural Balance technique was developed by Gene Ovnicek. The technique focuses on hoof break-over and balance. The system has many variations of shoes to include aluminum and steel. Pads include wedge, flat with frog support. Using this method, I have had success with neglected feet and chronic laminitis.
Traditional horse shoeing has been around a long time. Many traditional techniques can be traced to England. The extensive apprentice program, strict standards and longevity makes it a time honored profession. These techniques have been tested and implemented through the cavalry remount program. Geographic differences required changes to adapt to the tough western ground conditions. Forced marches took a heavy toll on the equine foot. Shoeing a horse could mean the difference between the human walking and riding. A lame horse couldn't perform effectively in battle, and could be the difference between life and death. Today, most horses aren't used to these extremes. However, the techniques used to keep them sound are still with us. Owners are as individual as horses and it is great when the two life styles match.
Styles of hoof care depend on the use, geography and individuals needs. Ask your hoof care professional about what fits you best. Thanks and we'll see you down the trail. Pat.