The Five Important Hoof Issues
Written by Pat Hall
Nutrition is first on my list. The quality of your horses feet depend on what they eat. A balanced feed program will help strength and hoof quality. Each horse has individual needs based on breed, work load and age. Feeding a Pro-biotic will help the horse utilize the feed. Biotin and methionine can be added note many feeds have them incorporated in the formula. Today, we have so many options. Hi fat, low starch, senior and some prefer to mix individual ingredients. The results will show in your horses coat, foot quality and overall wellness. If your feed program is working, stick to it. If not, it might be time for change. Realize what worked 5 years ago may not be appropriate today.
Next is maintenance. Regular visits from your farrier will help keep a good foundation for your horse. This will keep chipping, cracking and flares to a minimum. Frequency will vary with individual needs. Different styles of trimming or shoeing are available. Your individual circumstances will dictate which will be best for your individual needs. Among these styles are conventional, natural balance and natural hoof trimming. I visit some horses as frequently as every 4 weeks and others may need my services at 4 months.
Third is environment. How and where does the horse live? Is the horse in a box stall, paddock or on pasture? Is it wet or dry? Is the ground soft or rocky? How abrasive is the ground? These factors will effect the frequency you will need to have your horse trimmed or shod.
Fourth is the activity level. The horse's foot is designed to move. Circulation is improved with every step the horse makes. In my experience horses that are in pasture or in regular work have better quality feet. Any injury might prevent regular work or movement. Long term injury or lameness can affect a once healthy hoof.
Finally the overall health of the horse is a key factor to the hoof. Cushing's disease, chronic laminitis or even acute toxicity levels can dramatically affect the long term health of a horses hoof. Different medications can affect the quality of the foot.
In a perfect world, one formula could fit all the horses' needs. However, we don't live near perfect. Caring for the horses' needs, adapting and meeting them are what make us horseman and women. I will be happy to answer questions any time.
Be safe.
Pat Hall, CJF